
2020年12月1日—Isthereawaytofullypopahardflipora360flipandcatchithighasyoucanakickflip?SothatIcanclearfullsizedgapsandstuff.,2010年4月28日—Aimthestickasifyouwereabouttoollie(straightdown)anddoaveryslightmotiontotheright-thatshouldhopefullygetyoulanding ...,6天前—Whataresometipstolandaconsistent360flipinSkate3?Dominate360popsabite.Slideyourfingerinacertainway.Becarefulnottoflip ...,2021年6月17日...

How do you pop hardlips and tre flips higher?

2020年12月1日 — Is there a way to fully pop a hard flip or a 360 flip and catch it high as you can a kickflip? So that I can clear full sized gaps and stuff.

360 Flip... Varial Flip - Skate 3

2010年4月28日 — Aim the stick as if you were about to ollie (straight down) and do a very slight motion to the right - that should hopefully get you landing ...

How Do You Do A 360flip in Skate 3

6 天前 — What are some tips to land a consistent 360 flip in Skate 3? Dominate 360 popsabite. Slide your finger in a certain way. Be careful not to flip ...

am i missing something with 360 flips?

2021年6月17日 — everytime i try to do a 360 flip it either ends up as a 360 shuvit or doesn't register at all. i turned on the trick analyzer and it seems ...

360 Flip Skate 3 Tutorial

What is a 360 flip in skateboarding? Two different ways to do it. 1 swipe a tray by flicking the board. 2 swipe trays are harder but can be cleaner. Step 1: 360 ...

360 Flip

The skateboard spins 360 degrees along the x axis, while flipping 360 degrees on the y axis,the skateboarder kicks the board to initiate a kickflip and ...

How To 360 Flip Treflip

1. The back foot should be placed with the toes slightly hanging off the edge of your board in front of you. · 2. The front foot should be in the Kickflip ...